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Welcome to AIHelpMe.jl, your go-to for getting answers to your Julia coding questions.

AIhelpMe is a simple wrapper around RAG functionality in PromptingTools.

It provides three extras:

  • (hopefully), a simpler interface to handle RAG configurations (there are thousands of possible configurations)

  • pre-computed embeddings for key “knowledge” in the Julia ecosystem (we refer to them as “knowledge packs”)

  • ability to quickly incorporate any additional knowledge (eg, your currently loaded packages) into the "assistant"

This is only a prototype! We have not tuned it yet, so your mileage may vary! Always check your results from LLMs!

What is RAG?

RAG, short for Retrieval-Augmented Generation, is a way to reduce hallucinations of your model and improve its response by directly providing the relevant source knowledge into the prompt.

See more details here.

What is a knowledge pack?

A knowledge pack is a collection of pre-computed embeddings for a specific set of documents. The documents are typically related to a specific topic or area of interest or package ecosystem (eg, Makie.jl documentation site with all its packages). The embeddings are computed using a specific embedding model and are used to improve the quality of the generated responses by providing the relevant source knowledge directly to the prompt.

We currently provide 3 knowledge packs:

  • :julia - Julia documentation, standard library docstrings and a few extras

  • :tidier - Tidier.jl organization documentation

  • :makie - Makie.jl organization documentation

You can load all of them with AIHelpMe.load_index!([:julia, :tidier, :makie]).

It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to use the SAME embedding model in aihelp() queries as the one used to build the knowledge pack. That is why you have to be careful changing the RAG pipeline configuration - always use the dedicated utility update_pipeline!().


To install AIHelpMe, use the Julia package manager and the package name:

using Pkg


  • Julia (version 1.10 or later).

  • Internet connection for API access.

  • OpenAI API keys with available credits. See How to Obtain API Keys.

  • For optimal performance, get also Cohere API key (free for community use) and Tavily API key (free for community use).

All setup should take less than 5 minutes!

Quick Start Guide

  1. Basic Usage:
using AIHelpMe
aihelp("How do I implement quicksort in Julia?")
[ Info: Done generating response. Total cost: \$0.015
AIMessage("To implement quicksort in Julia, you can use the `sort` function with the `alg=QuickSort` argument.")

Note: As a default, we load only the Julia documentation and docstrings for standard libraries. The default model used is GPT-4 Turbo.

You can pretty-print the answer using pprint if you return the full RAGResult (return_all=true). If displayed in REPL, it will use color highlights as well (magenta color = text not from the "context").

using AIHelpMe: pprint

result = aihelp("How do I implement quicksort in Julia?", return_all=true)
- How do I implement quicksort in Julia?

To implement quicksort in Julia, you can use the [5,1.0]`sort`[1,1.0] function with the [1,1.0]`alg=QuickSort`[1,1.0] argument.[2,1.0]

1. and Related Functions/Sorting Functions
2. and Related Functions/Sorting Functions
3. and Related Functions/Sorting Algorithms
4. SortingAlgorithms::/
5. AIHelpMe::/

Note: You can see the model cheated because it can see this very documentation...

Note 2: The square brackets represent the corresponding source and the strength of association (1.0 is the highest), eg, [1,1.0] indicates high confidence in the sentences having high overlap with the chunk in source #1.

  1. aihelp Macro:
aihelp"how to implement quicksort in Julia?"
  1. Follow-up Questions:
aihelp!"Can you elaborate on the `sort` function?"

Note: The ! is required for follow-up questions. aihelp! does not add new context/more information - to do that, you need to ask a new question.

  1. Pick faster models:

Eg, for simple questions, GPT 3.5 might be enough, so use the alias "gpt3t":

aihelp"Elaborate on the `sort` function and quicksort algorithm"gpt3t
[ Info: Done generating response. Total cost: \$0.002 -->
AIMessage("The `sort` function in programming languages, including Julia.... continues for a while!
  1. Debugging:

How did you come up with that answer? Check the "context" provided to the AI model (ie, the documentation snippets that were used to generate the answer):

using AIHelpMe: pprint, last_result
# Output: Pretty-printed Question + Context + Answer with color highlights

Examples of the highlighted output:

The color highlights show you which words were NOT supported by the provided context (magenta = completely new, blue = partially new). It's an intuitive way to see which function names or variables are made up versus which ones were in the context.

The square brackets represent the corresponding source and the strength of association (1.0 is the highest), eg, [1,1.0] indicates high confidence in the sentences having high overlap with the chunk in source #1.

You can change the kwargs of pprint to hide the annotations or potentially even show the underlying context (snippets from the documentation):

pprint(last_result(); add_context = true, add_scores = false)

Your results will significantly improve if you enable re-ranking of the context to be provided to the model (eg, `aihelp(..., rerank=true)`) or change pipeline to `update_pipeline!(:silver)`. It requires setting up Cohere API key but it's free for community use.

[!TIP] Do you want to safely execute the generated code? Use AICode from PromptingTools.Experimental.AgentToolsAI.. It can executed the code in a scratch module and catch errors if they happen (eg, apply directly to AIMessage response like AICode(msg)).

Noticed some weird answers? Please let us know! See Help Us Improve and Debug.

If you want to use locally-hosted models, see the Using Ollama Models section.

If you want to customize your setup, see AIHelpMe.PREFERENCES.

How to Obtain API Keys

OpenAI API Key:

  1. Visit OpenAI's API portal.

  2. Sign up and generate an API Key.

  3. Charge some credits ($5 minimum but that will last you for a lost time).

  4. Set it as an environment variable or a local preference in PromptingTools.jl. See the instructions.

Cohere API Key:

  1. Sign up at Cohere's registration page.

  2. After registering, visit the API keys section to obtain a free, rate-limited Trial key.

  3. Set it as an environment variable or a local preference in PromptingTools.jl. See the instructions.

Tavily API Key:

  1. Sign up at Tavily.

  2. After registering, generate an API key on the Overview page. You can get a free, rate-limited Trial key.

  3. Set it as an environment variable or a local preference in PromptingTools.jl. See the instructions.


Formulating Questions:

  • Be clear and specific for the best results. Do mention the programming language (eg, Julia) and the topic (eg, "quicksort") when it's not obvious from the context.

Example Queries:

  • Simple question: aihelp"What is a DataFrame in Julia?"

  • Using a model: aihelp"best practices for error handling in Julia"gpt4t

  • Follow-up: aihelp!"Could you provide an example?"

  • Debug errors (use err REPL variable):

## define mock function to trigger method error
f(x::Int) = x^2
# we get: ERROR: MethodError: no method matching f(::Int8)

# Help is here:
aihelp"What does this error mean? \$err" # Note the $err to interpolate the stacktrace
[ Info: Done generating response. Total cost: \$0.003

AIMessage("The error message "MethodError: no method matching f(::Int8)" means that there is no method defined for function `f` that accepts an argument of type `Int8`. The error message also provides the closest candidate methods that were found, which are `f(::Any, !Matched::Any)` and `f(!Matched::Int64)` in the specified file `embed_all.jl` at lines 45 and 61, respectively.")

How it works

AIHelpMe leverages PromptingTools.jl to communicate with the AI models.

We apply a Retrieval Augment Generation (RAG) pattern, ie,

  • we pre-process all available documentation (and "embed it" to convert text snippets into numbers)

  • when a question is asked, we look up the most relevant documentation snippets

  • we feed the question and the documentation snippets to the AI model

  • the AI model generates the answer

  • (sometimes) we run a web search to find additional relevant information and ask the model to refine the answer

This ensures that the answers are not only based on general AI knowledge but are also specifically tailored to Julia's ecosystem and best practices.

Visit an introduction to RAG tools in PromptingTools.jl.

Future Directions

AIHelpMe is continuously evolving. Future updates may include:

  • Tools to trace the provenance of answers (ie, where did the answer come from?).

  • Creation of a gold standard Q&A dataset for evaluation.

  • Refinement of the RAG ingestion pipeline for optimized chunk processing and deduplication.

  • Introduction of context filtering to focus on specific modules.

  • Transition to a more sophisticated multi-turn conversation design.

  • Enhancement of the marginal information provided by the RAG context.

  • Expansion of content sources beyond docstrings, potentially including documentation sites and community resources like Discourse or Slack posts.

Please note that this is merely a pre-release to gauge the interest in this project.